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10 simple ways to grow your email subscriber list

22 Jun 2022 by Carol Wallace

To consistently see growth for your business, you need to grow your email subscribers list. 

Over time your list will naturally deplete as people change jobs, unsubscribe from your mailing list or ditch old emails and set up new ones.

So to help you grow your subscribers, here are 10 simple strategies you can use to ensure you build a large audience of subscribers eager to hear what you have to say and buy your products and services.

  1. Create unique email content
    If you want to keep your current subscribers and help them to grow your list by sharing your emails, then make sure you create unique email content. If your emails contain informative and valuable content then your subscribers will be more likely to share and forward them into their network. Don’t forget to include social sharing buttons and a forward or ‘email a friend’ button to make it easier for your subscribers to share your content.
  1. Add an opt-in link to your email signatures
    Why not include a link in your email signature to take people you’re already in conversation with to a landing page to sign up for your newsletter.
  1. Create bonus content that requires people to subscribe
    Encourage people to give you their name and email address in return for free resources like a PDF guide, template or workshop. online tools
  1. Share an Incentives to subscribe
    A common way to incentivise people to subscribe to your email newsletter is to add a special discount code of 10% to your shopping bag on your website, so when someone subscribes, they automatically receive 10% off their first order.
  1. Make your subscribe button visible across all digital channels
    Add clear call-to-action buttons to the top of your website, or business’s Facebook page or include them in your Instagram bio. Your CTA text should entice users by explaining the benefits they get from signing up, like obtaining bonus info, access to exclusive offers, or a general business newsletter.
  1. Create a paid advertising campaign
    Use paid advertising across your chosen social media platforms ie Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, TikTok to promote an ebook or free guide to encourage people to leave their name and email address to access your resource.
  1. Use social media to promote your newsletter
    Share regular posts talking about your latest email and what value it brings to your subscriber and add a link that leads your audience to a landing page to subscribe.
  1. Include customer reviews on your sign-up landing pages
    Customer reviews are great social proof that helps to encourage other people to join in and subscribe.
  1. Add QR codes to your printed marketing collateral
    Incorporate a QR code into your print marketing that people can scan for more information and set it so that your codes require email addresses to access additional content so that you can grow your list.
  2. Reinvigorate an old email subscriber list
    Over the years you might have built up a big list but over time notice that you are seeing less and less engagement. If this is the case then maybe it’s time to reinvigorate your list with a re-engagement email campaign to encourage contacts to re-opt in if they’d like to, but remember you’ll need to remove all contacts under GDPR rules who don’t respond to your email!.

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