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Love your brand…

14 Feb 2023 by Vicky Hutchinson

What’s the secret potion to make people fall in love with your brand 😉

It isn’t a secret but the below ingredients (tips) can certainly help the RIGHT people fall in love with your brand. It will save you from kissing a few frogs and just go straight to the prince/ss.
Enough mixed metaphors down to the secret sauce.

You have to have a plan for the love
The reason we highly recommend defining your brand strategy is because this will help to develop your brand personality and those emotional elements that make a potential client/customer notice you and hopefully fall in love (awww). A bit like dating, you might like the look of someone but it’s their personality, values, likes and dislikes that form the person you are attracted to and will develop a relationship with.

Here are 5 ways to attract more customer love…

  1. Know your target audience

    The key is to understand your client’s needs, keep them engaged, and build relationships with them. The most successful brands manage to develop a very real emotional connection with their core audience and the best way to do this is by research, not only to understand what challenges they face, and how your product or service makes their life easier – but, what are their values, what do they aspire to, what are their likes and dislikes – right down to their favourite colour and music. 

The above comes in the form of your brand strategy, your mission, values, tone of voice etc… but also creating a persona of your ideal client.You may not think their music tastes or colours are relevant but this helps to engage them when you are marketing. If your brand colours are their favourite they will immediately take note, if your reels have the music they like, they will engage with the reel. It’s the little things that can have a big impact, especially if it’s lots of those little things.

    Email us for a persona template

  2. Create a visual identity for your audience

    Up to 90% of purchases are influenced by visual factors—especially colour (re above), which can increase brand recognition by up to 80%.  This sounds obvious but when it comes to branding and creating a visual identity for our clients we sometimes have to gently say that this work is not to appeal to them but to their core audience. This is easier if they have a brand strategy already defined because we can refer to their audience personas and create a logo, colour palette and imagery that is geared towards these personas – it takes out the personal element for our clients.If you are a marketing manager or own your business it can be hard to take the personal choice out of the equation (especially with colours) if you don’t have your persona in mind – For example, if you have a product aimed at 16-25-year-old males then creating a pink colour palette*, because that’s your favourite colour, will probably be more detrimental to developing that brand love.

    *Not saying pink is only for girls but we would suggest it isn’t a colour palette that will appeal to that demographic – it could be a PART of the palette with other strong colours together. Just saying. 🙂 

  3. Teamwork makes the dream work – employer branding
    Not to be repetitive but having a brand strategy will help your team understand your vision and mission and feel a part of that, they will also see your company has a strong set of values – and more often than not this is why they have come to work for you. Get your staff to live and breathe your mission statement – if they are on board and they are passionate about your product or service then that emotion and feeling will spread to your customers/clients.If your team not only believe in what they are doing but understands the brand – how they speak to clients and what the message is, then this will not only come across to clients but will be that consistency you need to create strong brand recognition.

  4. Be honest & True
    Everything about your brand should be honest and true to your service. This is why Values are so important – don’t just write Quality, Professional, or integrity – shouldn’t your product or service be of the utmost quality, should you not always act with integrity? Don’t make your values the things that should be a given – make them actionable and thread these through your culture – not just words that sit on your website and get dusty.Your clients/customers are more likely to engage with you and become loyal if you are relatable and hold similar values to them. Especially if they can see they are integral to your business and not only run through how you engage with clients but also through your culture within the company.

    5. Consistency is the key
    If you can do all of these things – not one by one, but all at once – and you ensure your team are all onboard and do the same – then you start to build a strong brand that will be relatable to your audience and create those emotional touch-points to engage and ensure your brand and business become irresistible.

    This will not only make people fall in love with your brand — they will keep them coming back for more.

    If you would like help to create a more cohesive brand or would like to level up your brand for your business growth then drop Vicky a line at vicky@creativehutch.com

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