

We’re passionate about our craft and love to share our knowledge, so here are some free nuggets of wisdom we hope you find helpful.


18 Jan 2022 by Carol Wallace

Are you feeling totally uninspired and don’t know where to start creating content for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Linkedin?

Defining 3-5 content pillars can help to structure your content, keep your social media posts on track and really help to drive the growth of your business.

Content pillars–what are they?

Your content pillars are a set of themes or topics that are specific to your brand. They
should reflect the content that is most popular with your online audience and can help you get clarity on your ‘niche’ within your industry.

Creating a simple document with separate sections for each of your content pillars and setting aside some time every month to add new ideas to each section will help save you time and prevent your content ideas from drying up!

Your pillars can include educational and information in the form of e-books, blog posts and articles, videos, answering FAQs, or advertising new products, services and promotions…

Here are some of our tips for creating content pillars for your business:

  1. Look at your analytics. This is a great way to find and create additional content that you know performs well, is engaging and resonates with your audience.
  2. Pay attention to what’s happening in your industry. Google Trends, Pinterest and Answer the public are all great platforms to find out what questions your customers are asking and what content they engage with.
  3. Listen to your audience and use recent FAQs to create content to answer these questions.
  4. Create a content calendar. For the best results, plan out your content calendar a few weeks in advance, so you don’t lose focus and panic post!

P.S Always remember to look back at previous content and see what captions, visuals you used and any hashtags you added that performed well.

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