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Personality and Brand Identity: Forging Emotional Connections

30 Nov 2023 by Vicky Hutchinson

This is Part 7 of our Brand Strategy series of blog posts

Welcome to the seventh chapter of our brand series. Your brand personality is the human touch that brings your brand to life, builds emotional connections, and sets the tone for how your brand is perceived. Imagine a person without a personality – how do you engage, connect and interact with them? The same goes for your business – people engage and connect with a brand emotionally, and if your business is devoid of personality, then you are less likely to grow, build brand loyalty and advocate for your company. 

As I mentioned above, brands, just like individuals, have unique personalities too. A brand’s personality is the set of human characteristics, traits, and values it embodies. It’s the voice, attitude, and behaviour that your brand projects to the world. A well-defined brand personality humanises your brand, making it relatable and memorable.

Sounds a bit ‘airy fairy’ – Why does it really matter?

  1. Emotional Connection: Brand personality creates an emotional bond with customers. When customers connect with a brand’s personality, they’re more likely to become loyal advocates.
  2. Differentiation: In a competitive market, brand personality sets you apart. It distinguishes your brand and makes it memorable amid a sea of options.
  3. Consistency: A defined brand personality ensures consistency in your messaging, tone, and visual identity across all touchpoints, enhancing brand recognition.
  4. Relatability: A relatable personality helps your brand resonate with specific target audiences, drawing them in and making them feel understood.


Examples of Brand Personalities

Let’s look at some examples to understand how brand personalities work:

  1. Disney:
    1. Brand Personality: Disney exudes a personality of magic, joy, and imagination. They appeal to families and the inner child in all of us. Disney’s brand is known for its timeless enchantment, storytelling, and for creating a world where dreams come true.
  2. Tesla:
    1. Brand Personality: Tesla’s brand personality is visionary, innovative, and pioneering. They are at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution, challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of technology. Tesla inspires forward-thinking individuals who embrace sustainability and cutting-edge innovation.
  3. Nike:
    1. Brand Personality: Nike embodies a personality of motivation, determination, and achievement. Their brand encourages people to pursue their athletic and personal goals, regardless of their abilities. Nike’s “Just Do It” mentality resonates with individuals who seek inspiration and excellence.
  4. Oxfam:
    1. Brand Personality: Oxfam’s brand personality is compassionate, empathetic, and socially conscious. They stand for justice and equality, working tirelessly to eradicate poverty and injustice worldwide. Oxfam’s brand appeals to individuals who share their values and want to make a positive impact on society.


These brand personalities not only reflect the essence of each company but also connect with specific audiences who share similar values and aspirations. 

Developing Your Brand Personality

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s values, desires, and preferences. Your brand personality should resonate with them.
  2. Define Your Traits: Choose a set of traits that align with your brand’s vision and values. Are you adventurous, reliable, or sophisticated?
  3. Consistency: Ensure that your brand personality is consistent across all 12 touchpoints, from your website to social media and customer interactions.
  4. Employee Alignment: Your team should embody your brand’s personality. Train them to reflect it in their interactions with customers. Disney wouldn’t want someone negative on their team, for example. 
  5. Adaptability: While consistency is key, your brand personality should be adaptable to changing market dynamics.


Your brand’s personality is the soul of your brand identity. It’s the emotional bridge that connects you with your customers, building loyalty and advocacy. As you define and refine your brand personality, remember that it’s not just about what you say but how you make people feel. Your brand personality, combined with your vision, mission, values, and positioning, shapes the enduring story of your brand. 

Thank you for joining us on this brand journey so far. Next up, we’ll conclude this blog series with how a brand strategy helps to differentiate your business.

In the meantime, if you still feel you need help defining your brand, then get in touch or book our training masterclass.

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